Category Archives: doors

Warm Inside

The coldest night we’ve had in the passive house so far saw the outside temperature drop to -20ºC (and that’s before we take account of wind chill). However, inside it was 15ºC when we got up, and with a couple of hours of the little room heater and the sunshine today, we’re now up to 19ºC. Plus, the place feels much warmer than this. It’s hard to describe what this means over and above physical temperature, but it’s something to do with the evenness of the temperature and the aesthetic warmth of the wood.

One other issue, apart from the Motura door seal which we discussed yesterday, is the lock on the front door. This might be passive house certified and highly insulated but the lock is essentially a metal tube which goes from one side of the door to the other, in other words a cold bridge surrounding an air leak. It might be a very small example of both, but the ice that forms on the inside of the lock when it’s as cold as it was last night, shows the truth!



Heating and low temperature performance

We finally had the little Thermolec 2kW heating element installed in the HRV intake last week, just in time for a cold snap. This element is a bit like a toaster and heats the air coming into the HRV manifold that distributes heat around the house. It is controlled via a thermostat, which is downstairs and not too far away from the kitchen so we are aware that it’s likely to be a bit warmer there than elsewhere, so we keep it at 20ºC, knowing that this is likely to mean 18ºC on average around the rest of the house.

All the other heat comes from passive solar, i.e. the south-side windows, but it’s been quite dull recently, so that has not been such a big factor. In addition we’ve been having further problems with the Motura sliding door. We already had to have it taken off and some new sealing rubber put on, but it’s still not tight. This was not apparent in the recent blower-door tests, we think, because when you pressurize the air inside the house, the sliding door would have been pushed outwards, against the seals. However, at other times, this is not the case, and the higher we have the HRV settings the looser it gets. Compared to most houses, it’s not at all bad, but there is still an appreciable draft around the edges of the sliding door. We have contacted the supplier and await some advice. We might just push some of the left-over rubber gasket from the CLT construction into the edges and tape them up, just for the winter.

We are recording temperature levels a project at Algonquin College, but that data won’t be available until it’s downloaded from the recorders. In the meantime, we are just keeping an eye on performance using simple thermometers, particularly when it’s cold outside. And last night, it was very cold outside. When we got up, the external thermometer was reading -15ºC, so it could have been even colder during the night, and the winds have been fierce here, so the effective temperature would have been around -25ºC.  When we got up the temperature inside was 14ºC upstairs and 16ºC downstairs. With some sunlight in the morning and a few hours of an additional 1kW heater, this was soon up to 19ºC downstairs and 18ºC upstairs, and it has pretty much stayed that way since, as the winds blow around the house. This is pretty good. But we shouldn’t need the additional heater, and until we resolve the problem with the Motura door, one way or another, we will not be able to get the more consistently warm temperature levels we would like. It’s certainly not cold – it’s very comfortable – but the house is not yet operating at its optimum.

The Door into Winter…

It is October 27th today. And this is what it looks like here on Wolfe Island…

Winter is Coming!

Winter is Coming!

Fortunately, it’s warm inside and the crew are getting one with installing the doors, which had showed up and been hung by the suppliers in Kingston (whose name we aren’t going to mention here) without them ever telling us or indeed, checking with us which way we wanted any of the doors to open. Luckily, only two of the doors are the wrong way around. Unfortunately we’ve already paid for them, and given our experiences with trying to talk to some of their employees on the phone, there’s no point in us trying to get them to redo them, and frankly we can’t spare the time. This means that Chris will is having to remake the two frames that are the wrong way around, on site,  and that means we no longer have any choices about whether to paint the frames as well as the doors or not – we’ll have to paint them to disguise the remaking.

As for the doors themselves, they are very simple and inexpensive Shaker-style five-panel doors from Millette, in Quebec, primed for painting. The door between the entrance and the main downstairs room is the only one that’s slightly different as it has glass panels. We’ll paint them all over the coming weekend, before adding the hardware. They will be some of the only brighter coloured elements in the house, in tangerine and apple green, marine blue and so on, depending on where they are…

* observant readers will notice the title is a reference to Robert Heinlein’s classic SF novel, The Door into Summer. But summer is definitely not where we are headed right now.